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Reading Comprehension #6

Communication Styles of Men and Women
The key to getting along with others is good communication skills. This is true at home, at school, and at work. Communication is one of the biggest challenges in relationships between men and women. Researchers say that the main problem is different communication styles. Men and women have very different communication styles. Understanding the differences can help men and women communicate more effectively. 

Men’s communication style is more direct. They usually take a direct approach to a problem and suggest a solution. Men often make decisions more quickly than women. They also prefer to make decisions by themselves. Women’s communication style is to discuss problems and ask other people for their opinions. Women like to talk with other people before they make a decision. 

The topics of conversation are also different between men and women. Women like to discuss personal issues and talk about their feelings. Talking about problems is important in friendships for women. Even at school or on the job, women are more comfortable talking about personal topics and feelings. 

Men, on the other hand, are less comfortable discussing their feelings. Many men don’t like to talk about emotions and feelings. Men like to talk about current events, business, and personal accomplishments. In conversations, it is important for men to see who is the leader in the group. Men often talk about important things they have done. Men build friendships by doing activities together. On the other hand, women build friendships by sharing feelings. 

How do these different communication styles cause problems in relationships? There are several ways. First, women may think it is important to discuss how they feel about a problem. Men, however, prefer to come to a solution. Second, men often think that women are complaining, because women want to continue talking about their feelings. Men offer a solution to a problem, and then want to talk about something else. The third problem is that woman often think that men don’t want to discuss things. Actually, men just want to discuss different things. As men and women learn more about their different communication styles, they can better understand each other.

Answer these questions according to the text above!
1. Men and women have very ____ communication styles.
a. similar
b. different

2. Men prefer to talk about ____.
a. solutions
b. problems

3. Women spend ____ time making a decision than men do.
a. more
b. less

4. Women enjoy talking about ___.
a. current events
b. feelings

5. Men like to talk about ___.
a. business
b. personal problems

6. Sometimes, men think that women just like to ___.
a. complain
b. discuss children

7. Men and women often want to talk about ___ things.
a. the same
b. different


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