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A Little Story About Interviewed a Foreigner

It is not easy to talk with someone who you don’t know, especially if the person is a foreigner. Not only because the language differences, but also because we don't have much guts to start the conversation. Well, the next assignment from our tourism teacher is to interview a foreigner and taking a picture together. On 15 May 2014, we went to Gading Nite Carnival to see a carnival. We didn’t expect to meet a foreigner, but -after saw the carnival- when we were in Wine and Cheese Expo, which in the same place in Gading Mall, we saw so many foreigners. Remember we still have one assignment to go, we decided to pick one and starting the conversation. Like I said before, it’s not easy. So it took us so long time to collecting the guts. And here are the results of our interview.

Question : Q
Giando    : G

Q: Hello, good evening (smile) do you have a free time
G: Hello, good evening. Yes I have. How may I help you?
Q: My name is Dyani and this is my friend Sarah, and Dian. Nice to meet you.
G: Hi, I’m Giando, nice to meet you too.
Q: We are the students of Gunadarma University located in Bekasi. We have an assignment to have an interview with some foreign tourist, to ask their opinion about Indonesia, especially Jakarta. Would you like to give us a favor for that?
G: Yes of course.

Q: By the way, where are you from?
G: I’m from Portugal
Q: And what are you doing here, I mean this time. I see you have a kind of exhibition here?
G: Yes I’m here with my staffs. We are one of exhibitors in Wine and Cheese Expo 2014 from EU-Indonesia Business Network.  In Indonesia the EU is very active in a number of areas from political relations, to development cooperation and trade. With our participation in an events such as the Wine and Cheese Expo we hope we will bring the peoples and cultures of the EU and Indonesia closer together.
Q: So your stand is selling wine, cheese, and also some chocolate, isn’t?
G: Yea, those are Coklat Monggo from Indonesia.
Q: Ya, I see, I’d eaten it before, it’s great. So, the cheese and the wine are from Europe, all of them?
G: These cheese are from Europe, yes. Most of the wine are from Portugal, but we also have from Hungary, Czech, and Indonesia of course.
Q: Oh really? So Indonesia has domestic wine, I’ve just knew it from you hahaha
G: yes this one and this one and also that one (pointing at the wine) are from Indonesia.
Q: Oh that’s great. So, how long will you stay here? Are you here just during the Expo or what?
G: I work here in Jakarta so I’ll stay in Jakarta for a long period of time.
Q: I see, so the EU-Indonesia Business Network has an office in Jakarta?
G:  Yes, in Kebayoran Baru.
Q: Seems you have a lot things to do here, Giando. Just one more question, do you have any impression? Anything, about the expo, carnival, or maybe about Indonesia?
G: from the expo, I got a lot of friends from many different countries, different customers which has special taste, culture, accent, and much more. And for the people, I like Indonesian. They are kind, have a friendly nature, good manners, always smiling when meeting a new people and a unique way of speaking. I learned a lot from them so that I can speak Indonesian a little bit. Overall, I like them.
Q: Oh my goodness, you really touch my heart hehehe. Ok then, thank you for your time, sorry for bothering you. It is very nice meeting you.
G: Hahaha that’s okay, no problem.
Q: Goodbye, Giando.
G: Bye, girls.
The Group
Dian Rahmawati (12613381)
Dyani Masita Dewi (12613745)
Sarah Sungkar (18613271)


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