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Do you like piano?
Do you like music instrument?
Do you like orchestra?
Who is your favorite composer?

Now, I feel like to talk about one of my favorite piano instrument. It was Franz Liszt who composed Liebesträume or in English means Dreams of Love. I know this instrument from my mother's old phone when she told me to set up a new sound for her morning alarm. I said to my mom, "this one is good. Soft and the music is really relaxing. I like it" and my mom replied, "nonsense, this is too soft. I won't be able to get up if you set this sound up."

And from that moment, I realized the sound has a meaning. It's not really easy to get the full instrument since the information I had from that phone wasn't complete. Liszt, that's all I had. I spent the next day to searched this beautiful music. Again and again and again, just keep trying until I get what I was looking for. And finally, after searching all the day long, I found the instrument and that was made me so happy because finally I know the tittle for the instrument. It's Liebesträume no 3.

Every time I hear Liebesträume, I imagine a story behind it. It's like it tells a sweet love story at the beginning then something bad happen and all the sweetness about love turn into something tragic. All the sadness, pain, hurt never can be undone. They lost each other, nothing's left but regret and tears...and a big hole in their hearts. Down deep in the old memories, they know they still love each other. And love they feel inside, they promise, will not change.


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